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Dream Phaze Expanding Glossary

BASE - Bergman Analysis and Synthesis Engine - Gatekeeper of Dreams authored experiences are translated through a BASE neural compiler into Synmem code.


Big Dippers – Daily users of the dream immersion platform (dip).


Biosoftware – neurochemical sequence that contains markers that ‘express” in the presence of a biological activation code.


Black Shield – intuitive firewall protecting the Norus network.


Codesters – developers/programmers who author dream immersion experiences using FH code.


Cycle – one episode of an experience – 33 minutes is one cycle.


Dippers – occasional users of the dream immersion platform (dip)


Dreamcast – existing broadcast television production converted using the Gatekeeper of Dreams engine, where users take part in an extended show environment above and beyond the aired real-world episodes.


Dream Clusters – a collection of experiences with a central theme.


Dreamforming – interface for authoring dream immersion experiences using a conception space and tool menu generated by Gatekeeper of Dreams hardware.


Dreaminars – in-dream tutorials/how-to/DIY workshops.


Dream Immersion (DI) dashboard – interface worn on the forearm to access dream immersion. User selects experience preferences, and it initiates and monitors all stages of dream immersion. Translates Synmem code into inaudible frequencies and delivers them to earstims.


Dream immersion experiences – Once only Experience (OoE), a Series of Experiences (SoE) or a Continuing Experience (CE). This choice must be made prior to dream immersion.        


Dream Immersion Neurocoherence Training – an in-dream Neurocoalescence recovery program for those suffering Dream Immersion Trauma Syndrome.


Dream Immersion Platform (DIP)– technology created by Saxon Zynn and his team for dream immersion experiences. Consists of five components – dashboard, earstims, thalpherycine, Synmem code and the Norus network.


Dream Immersion Trauma Syndrome (DITS) – a real world condition suffered by dream immersion users from unanticipated and gratuitous in-dream physical, psychological, or emotional trauma.


Dream Phaze – Internet term (slang) meaning an ‘engineered dream’ rather than an organic, natural dream.


Dreamplex – mass dream immersion complex similar to a cinema complex.


Dynamic Emission Neuroimaging – is the use of several combined scanning techniques to directly image neurotransmissions of the brain in real time.


Earfonic – single ear hook Bluetooth earphone with mic for PD - Personal Device.


Earstims – delivers inaudible frequencies from the DI dashboard into the brain which sparks neurotransmitter chemical sequences in the thalamus. Thalpherycine must be present for Synmem code synthesis to take place.


Echoes - characters who populate dream immersion experiences.

  • Live echoes are active users, living people using the tech

  • Assembled echoes are the extras in every experience, they are created from scratch and populate all DI environments

  • Elevated echoes are deceased people authored for specific experiences

  • Host echoes can be live, elevated, or assembled characters. Hosts can be active across multiple experiences.


Exteroceptive - stimuli outside the body.


FH code – Frequency Hypgenic source code developed by Saxon Zynn for the Gatekeeper of Dreams engine which creates the tools and content for the dreamforming interface to author dream immersion experiences.


Firerock – risk management organisation specialising in covert activities.


Fundamental Purists – religious movement founded by Jeremy Abernathy.


Gatekeeper of Dreams – hardware/engine used to author dream immersion experiences via the dreamforming interface, which converts the authored dream into Synmem code.


Gateway neurochip – bioware (hardware) implanted at the brain stem created by the Forsythe Corporation for neural mood stabilisation using SFT software.


Gelchips – quantum computer chip capable of conducting 198 quintillion calculations per second.


Griz-L-gun – Gravimetric ion zone-Laser-gun. Common handheld weapon popularised by ZynnComm’s Lucid Division for in-dream gaming.


Group consciousness integration matrix – software allowing users to be aware of and interact with other users within the dream immersion environment.


GUESS – Global Unified Electronic Surveillance Service.


Haptic spontaneity - sense of touch; tactile freedom.


Humuration - the 11-minute process of turning a human corpse into slow-release humus fertiliser using a standalone, dedicated Humurator unit.


Instance – a single experience episode or cycle of 33 minutes. Multiple separate instances of an experience can occur simultaneously. Timing depends on demand or an exact schedule.


Interoceptive - stimuli arising within the body based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought.


Jazper - network intelligence and connectivity management system for the Norus network.


MMDG – massive multiplayer dream game.


Neurocoalescence - is a major development in dream immersion technology. Neurocoalescence is the confluence of minds, the unification and synchronisation of multiple brains working in concert as a single, superintelligence capable of problem solving at unprecedented speed and capacity.


Neuroelectrodynamics – study of the dynamics and interaction of electrical signals in the brain.


Neuroinformatics – combines data across all levels of neuroscience in order to understand brain function by the application of computational models and analytical tools.


Neuromorphic computing - software systems that implement models of neural systems mimicking neurobiological architecture.


Neuronic Reorganisation Actuator – The critical microelectronic device within a dream immersion forearm device (dashboard) which synchronises immersion.


Neurotransmission – the process of communication between two nerve cells.


Norus Network – dedicated computer network which facilitates and coordinates the entire Dream Immersion Platform.


Nukoin - popular digital currency.


Occipital lobe - the rearmost lobe in each cerebral hemisphere of the brain.


Pectical – system of unit (SI) in Gelchip qist calibration.


Personal Device (PD) – universal device that people carry for communication, identity, GPS identifier, finances, medical, entertainment, analytical applications, workplace applications, security, and many other functions.


Pons - the part of the brain stem that links the medulla oblongata and the thalamus.


Quantum Identification (QuID) - The unique QuID code conveys how often a device is used, the number of people using that device, their location, their age, and their level of intoxication. Does not track or store any other type of information.


Reservists – covert security echoes embedded in White/Yellow rated general public experiences. Plain-clothed assembled echoes coded with security/military/policing strategies to maintain order.


RIP bullet - Radically Invasive Projectile developed in the early 21st century.


Scrambler – encryption app used in PDs/telecommunications to make the message unintelligible to the receiver not equipped with an appropriately set descrambling app.


Sense8 - predictive modelling engine used by developers for authoring ‘echoes’. Part of Gatekeeper of Dreams suite of tools.


SFT - Synaptic Functional Transliteration - neurological software (biosoftware) created by the Forsythe Corporation for neural mood stabilisation. Works in conjunction with the Gateway neurochip.


Spatial perception - the ability to be aware of your physicality within the environment around you.


Synapse - a junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter. Also known as a neuronal junction.


Synaptic vesicles - in a nerve cell, synaptic vesicles store various neurotransmitters that are released at the synapse. The release is regulated by a voltage-dependent calcium channel. Vesicles are essential for propagating nerve impulses between nerve cells and are constantly recreated by the cell.


Synmem code – Synaptic Memory neural code/software developed by Saxon Zynn for authoring neurochemical sequencing for dream immersion.


Thalpherycine – biosoftware activated by Synmem code which works on several levels to create authored dreams using neurochemical sequencing.


Vectigon metrics - neurochemical behaviour modification.


VPDN – Virtual Private Dream Network - Provides privacy, anonymity, and security to users by creating a private dream network connection across the dream immersion platform. All user data traffic is routed through an encrypted virtual channel. This conceals the users IP address when connecting to the Norus network, making user location invisible to everyone.

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